Derek Swims the Chesapeake
One man's quest to swim from shore to Eastern Shore.
The goal comes 13 months from now, 4.4 miles across the Chesapeake Bay. It's been a long time coming.

Some time ago, I looked at a picture of myself and didn't really like what I saw looking back. I huffed and puffed going up a single flight of stairs and was starting to size out of XXL shirts. It was a long way from where I thought I'd ever end up.

Fast forward to today. I'm just about 50% of the way toward my goal weight, and have been able to train up to do 5Ks (running about half of that), sprint triathlons and the bike/run segments of an Olympic-distance triathlon.

This year, it's on. And in 13 months, I plan to stand on the other side of the Chesapeake, look back at the Bay Bridge and to the opposite shore and know I can do anything.

I'll be sending out monthly newsletters on my progress to all who request one. Please let me know if you're interested in that.

I hope you'll join me in this effort, either through positive thoughts and prayers or financial support to help me get in the water. I appreciate your help, and look forward to seeing you on the finish line with me!

To guarantee entry in the 2013 Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, I need to raise $300, plus $250 in entry fees, by June 10. Can you help me reach my goal?

If you'd like to give directly to the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim for tax purposes -- it's a 501(c)3 nonprofit -- please e-mail me at to pledge an amount.

Thanks for your support!
Scheduled Events Calendar:

June 9 - National Press Club 5K
June 10 - One Mile Bay Swim (Qualifying swim)
July 14 - Caribbean Sounds 5K
July 22 - The 14.06
Aug. 5 - Summer Super Sprint Triathlon
Sept. 9 - The Nation's Triathlon (Backup qualifying swim)

June, 2013 - Great Chesapeake Bay Swim